Contact Information

Contact us

Contact the Freightliner Mont-Laurier team for any questions regarding our truck, trailer and parts service and sales service.
Would you like to know more about our repair, maintenance, inspection, or financing services? We are here for you!


Freightliner Trucks Mont-Laurier
325, chemin du Golf
Lac-des-Écorces (QC)
J0W 1H0
819-623-7177 (toll free 1 888-450-7177)
[email protected]

Repairs and emergencies (nights and weekends) : 819-440-9227

Sales : Serge Brisebois : 819-440-8282
Management : Serge Beauchamp : 819-441-9691
Pieces : Sylvain Brooks : 819-623-7177, ext. 222
Mechanical Services : Sylvain Brooks : 819-623-7177, ext. 222
SAAQ Inspection : Carolle Jetté : 819-623-7177, ext. 239
Accounting : Theresa Desjardins : 819-623-7177, ext. 229
Human Resources : Marie Desmarais : 819-660-2646
Responsible for personal data protection :
Sylvain Brooks 819-623-7177 ext. 222

Parts and service : 819-623-3945
SAAQ inspections : 819-623-1444
Accounting : 819-623-2892

Opening hours
Monday to Friday : 8H to 6H
Saturday and Sunday: closed

Contact Form

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